Hi there!
I’m Dumakude
Welcome to my site
Feel free to have a look around to learn about my research, experience, skills and how we could potentially work together.
I am a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Pretoria. My research interests are in industrial organisation and competition economics.
I hold a master’s degree in Econometrics (with distinction) from the University of Pretoria and I’m currently studying towards a PhD in Economics at the same institution
I previously worked at Genesis Analytics, a leading African economic consulting firm, where I worked on a number of South African competition and regulatory economics projects. More recently, I have worked with consultancies, Berkeley Research Group and Through Line Advisors, on various competition economics matters in South Africa and Europe.

My Experience
Summary of my various roles & responsibilities

University of Pretoria
Aug 2019Â - Present
Research area: competition economics, industrial organisation
Postgraduate microeconomics (focused on competition economics)
Undergraduate micro- and macroeconomics
Supervising Honours and Masters student research papers

Independent advisory work
Jan 2022 - Present
Provided economic advisory services to Berkeley Research Group and Through Line Advisors on matters relating to competition economics and regulatory economics.
Economic analyses provided contributed towards expert economic reports presented before competition authorities. Notable work includes:
Draslovka/Sasol (see: reasons for decision)​
Impact modelling intended for Vitol/Engen merger proceedings (intervenor decided to not provide an economic report before the Competition Tribunal)
Excessing pricing analysis conducted for a large South African mining company

Analyst and Associate
Genesis Analytics
Feb 2016 - July 2019
Worked in the Competition and Regulatory Economics Practice
Provided economic analyses that contributed towards expert economic reports presented before competition authorities. Notable work includes:
Italtile/Ceramic Industries/Ezee Tile (see: reasons for decision)​
Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Limited (see: reasons for decision)
Priority Market Study for ICASA (see: priority market study)​
Regulatory economics work includes:
Estimation of the distribution of water bill affordability for Thames Water
Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority​