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Hi there!
I’m Dumakude

Welcome to my site

Feel free to have a look around to learn about my research, experience, skills and how we could potentially work together.


I am a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of Pretoria. My research interests are in industrial organisation and competition economics.


I hold a master’s degree in Econometrics (with distinction) from the University of Pretoria and I’m currently studying towards a PhD in Economics at the same institution

I previously worked at Genesis Analytics, a leading African economic consulting firm, where I worked on a number of South African competition and regulatory economics projects. More recently, I have worked with consultancies, Berkeley Research Group and Through Line Advisors, on various competition economics matters in South Africa and Europe.

Dumakude photo

My Experience

Summary of my various roles & responsibilities

University of Pretoria

University of Pretoria

Aug 2019 - Present

  • Research area: competition economics, industrial organisation

  • Postgraduate microeconomics (focused on competition economics)

  • Undergraduate micro- and macroeconomics

  • Supervising Honours and Masters student research papers


Independent advisory work

Jan 2022 - Present

  • Provided economic advisory services to Berkeley Research Group and Through Line Advisors on matters relating to competition economics and regulatory economics.

  • Economic analyses provided contributed towards expert economic reports presented before competition authorities. Notable work includes:

    • Draslovka/Sasol (see: reasons for decision)​

    • Impact modelling intended for Vitol/Engen merger proceedings (intervenor decided to not provide an economic report before the Competition Tribunal)

    • Excessing pricing analysis conducted for a large South African mining company

Genesis Analytics

Analyst and Associate
Genesis Analytics

Feb 2016 - July 2019

  • Worked in the Competition and Regulatory Economics Practice

  • Provided economic analyses that contributed towards expert economic reports presented before competition authorities. Notable work includes:

  • Regulatory economics work includes: 

    • Estimation of the distribution of water bill affordability for Thames Water

    • Regulatory Impact Assessment for the Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority​

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